Blog and Blogging

What is a Blog? 
➢ A blog (a shortened version of “weblog”) is an online journal or informational 
website displaying information in reverse chronological order, with the latest posts 
appearing first, at the top. It is a platform where a writer or a group of writers share 
their views on an individual subject.
Purpose of blog
There are many reasons to start a blog for personal use and only a handful of strong ones for 
business blogging. Blogging for business, projects, or anything else that might bring you money 
has a very straightforward purpose – to rank your website higher in Google SERPs, a.k.a. 
increase your visibility. AS a business, you rely on consumers to keep buying your products and 
services. As a new business, you rely on blogging to help you get to potential consumers and grab 
their attention. Without blogging, your website would remain invisible, whereas running a blog 
makes you searchable and competitive.So, the main purpose of a blog is to connect you to the 
relevant audience. Another one is to boost your traffic and send quality leads to your website. 
Blog structure
The appearance of blogs has changed over time, and these days blogs include a wide variety of 
items and widgets. However, most blogs still include some standard features and structures.
Here are common features that a typical blog will include:
• Header with the menu or navigation bar.
• Main content area with highlighted or latest blog posts.
• Sidebar with social profiles, favorite content, or call-to-action.
• Footer with relevant links like a disclaimer, privacy policy, contact page, etc.
 needs to run and supervise a blog. This entails 
equipping a web page with tools to make the, process of writing posting, sharing content easier 
on the internet.
Importance of blogging
In the early 2000s, blogging emerged in a variety of forms when several political blogs were 
born. Blogs with how-to manuals also began to appear. Established institutions began to note the 
difference between journalism and blogging. It’s important to mention that the popularity of 
blogging grows with each passing day!
To answer the question ‘what is blogging’, we need to look at the factors behind its rise. IN the 
early stages, blogs became mainstream, as news services began using them as tools for outreach 
and opinion forming. They became a new source of information.
Through blogging, businesses saw a positive way to improve their customer’s level of 
satisfaction. Blogs assist companies in keeping clients and customers up to date. Also, the more 
people that visit your blog, the more exposure and trust your brand gets. 
A blogger is someone who runs and controls a blog. He or she shares his or her opinion and 
knowledge on different topics for a target audience. Bloggers are individuals who love sharing 
parts of their lives with you. They post on various topics from arts, home designs, carpentry, and 
finance articles. Bloggers are mobile and don’t need to be in one place.
Types of blog 
There are many different types of blogs covering a wide range of topics, interests, and audiences. For 
a successful blog, you need to plan ahead and choose the niche that works for you
Fashion Blogs
Fashion blogs are one of the most popular types of blogs on the internet. It’s a big industry 
with a huge global audience. Fashion bloggers get invited to major events, receive special 
perks, merchandise, and even business deals by top fashion brands.
Food Blogs
Food blogs are another popular blog type. It attracts a lot of readers who are interested in 
recipes, ingredients, healthy eating, fine dining, and other food related travel blogs 
are becoming more popular each day. Due to cheap air travel, people are 
traveling more than ever, and they are always looking for travel tips, advice, and destination 
Music Blogs
 blogs has a wide audience who search for critiques on the best and trending music. 
Music lovers enjoy songs from different languages, cultures and norms
Lifestyle Blogs
Lifestyle blogs are the most popular type of blogs you can find online. They have a variety of 
readers, interested in topics ranging from culture, arts, local news, and politics. This gives the 
blogger a wide range of topics to cover, making it easier to plan their content strategy.
Sports Blogs
Sports blogs are another interesting type of blogs online. Every country in the world has 
different sports and every sport has its own stars. Sports blogging may also include bloggers 
who are writing paid content for teams, athletes, and other organizations.
How blog can be used for journalism
News blogs cover local news and are a great way for journalism students to build up their resume and 
sharpen their skills. They can cover a wide range of topics or limit to a particular news section. News 
blogs are not just about sharing news. They also include opinion pieces to share blogger’s own 
perspective of the news. The news blogs are updated more frequently to cover latest happenings. 
News can be about anything like climate change, scientific innovations, technology, politics, religion, 
and more. Big media outlets have several bloggers to work on each of these sub-types in news 
Example of journalistic blogs
Express tribune
In Pakistan express tribune is famous journalistic blog . All news update are post in blog . She 
highlights tools and comments in developments in social media platforms from a journalist's perspective.
One Man and His Blog
Adam Tin worth covers journalism and technology events, plus shares tips and advice on useful tools for 
journalists and reflections on the industry.
Tin worth has been blogging for more than 10 years and covers many conferences by liveblogging, not giving 
minute-by-minute updates but publishing a chronology of a talk, usually before the speaker has left the podium.
. Deborah Petersen
Deborah Petersen blogs about social media. She highlights tools and comments in developments in social media 
platforms from a journalist's perspective.
Zombie Journalism
Many Jenkins is interactives editor at Digital First Media in the US and shares her tips on social media and 
Ed Walker is digital development editor at Trinity Mirror Regionals. He blogs about online and local 
❖ . If you’ve managed to start a blog, then your next step is to work on your blog 
content in order to keep your future readers satisfied and engaged. Feel free to 
check out our extensive list of blogging resources which will help you to run and 
grow your new blog!                        
